

1. 考生先自行登录微信小程序“全国一体化在线政务服务平台”,领取防疫健康信息码,并自行在考试日前在此小程序上完成14天“健康打卡”。所有省外来返昌考生在入昌前1天要通过“昌通码”微信或支付宝小程序,点击“入昌报备”进行报备。

2. 考生如在每个考试日期(口试和笔试)前7天内有南昌市外低风险地区所在城市(无本地疫情报告的区市)旅居史,须在南昌完成“三天两检”(最近1次须考前48小时内,2次采样至少间隔24小时),并在笔试和口试当天出示“两检”的有效核酸阴性检测报告(报告有效期从出报告日期开始计算)。





7. 考试当日,考生入校、离校时须在校门处扫描“全国一体化政务服务平台防疫健康信息码”,然后在此健康信息码中的“7天行程申报与查询”获取并出示过去7天内的行程信息,同时扫描“全国一体化政务服务平台防疫健康行程码”,健康信息码与行程码均显示为绿码后,再由考点工作人员对考生身份进行核验(身份证件及准考证)。

8. 考生若无个人手机,请家长务必提前在微信小程序“全国一体化在线政务服务平台”上帮考生注册好“防疫健康信息码”(需要家长先取得“防疫健康信息码”,然后添加亲属信息,生成带有考生姓名的“防疫健康信息码”)和行程码,并认真查看南昌市当地的防疫政策要求(关注微信公众号“南昌疾控”或“江西疾控”)。

9. 考生只能从位于上海北路上的南昌大学2号校门进入校园,考试结束后遵循考点工作人员的指引,从指定校门离开校园。从指定校门进入时,须遵循“一测一扫三查验”等以下要求:

1) 必须佩戴口罩。

2) 出示身份证件(若您使用护照报名,也请同时携带身份证以备核查)。

3) 出示当天考试的雅思准考证。考生(包括小于18岁的未成年考生)需在指定时间进入学校,家长/陪考人员一律禁止入校。考点会增派工作人员在指定校门进行引导工作。若考生的考试时间是在上午,则进出学校的时间只限于当天上午,考生不得以“熟悉考场”为由,在非指定时间要求入校。

4) 测量体温。体温符合标准的考生,即体温低于37.3摄氏度方可进入学校,由考点工作人员分批引从校门步行至考试楼,考试结束后自行离开。

10. 出租车,网约车,私家车等社会车辆禁止入校。





Notice on IELTS Test Epidemic Prevention and Control Arrangement

at Nanchang University

According to the current situation of epidemic prevention and control and the latest notification spirit of Nanchang COVID-19 prevention and control office, all the candidates are required to understand and follow the following preventive measures:

  1. Test takers must log on the mini program ‘the Chinese Government Health Code’ and then get the health code. Test takers must complete the health check survey for the past 14 days prior to the speaking test and written test. Test takers who come back from cities outside Jiangxi Province, must report on mini program “Chang Tong Code” on Wechat or Alipay 1 day before entering Nanchang.

  2. Test takers who have history of sojourn in cities with low-risk areas (without domestically transmitted case) outside Nanchang City in the past 7 days prior to the speaking test and written test, must take twice Nucleic Acid Testing at medical institutions in Nanchang in three days with an interval greater than 24 hours (the latest Nucleic Acid Testing must be taken in 48 hours before speaking test and written test). Test takers must present 2 Negative Nucleic Acid Testing reports on speaking test day and written test day (The expiry date shall be calculated from the specific time when the report is issued).

  3. Test takers who failed to present Nucleic Acid Testing Report within 48 hours on speaking test day and written test day, will not be allowed to enter the campus.

  4. Test takers who have overseas travel history (include Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) in the past 10 days prior to speaking test and written test, will not be allowed to enter the campus.

  5. Test takers who have history of sojourn in cities with medium or high-risk areas in the past 7 days prior to the speaking test and written test, will not be allowed to enter the campus.

  6. Test takers who have symptom of fever, dry cough, weakness, hyposmia/ hypogeusia, nasal obstruction, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia, diarrhea on test day and can not be ruled out infection with COVID-19 onsite, will not be allowed to enter the campus.

  7. Test takers must scan the Chinese Government Health Code for tracking their travel history in past 14 days at the designated campus gate (No.2 campus gate) with their own mobile phone. Test takers can only be allowed to enter the campus after the test venue staff checked the green code, identity document and the admission ticket.

  8. For test takers who do not have a personal mobile phone, please ask parents to register the ‘Chinese Government Health Code’ in advance (parents need to get the ‘Chinese Government Health Code’ first, and then add relatives’ information to generate the ‘Chinese Government Health Code’ with candidates’ name) and travel history code. Please follow the Wechat Official Accounts “Jiangxi Centre of Disease Control” and “Nanchang Centre of Disease Control” to carefully check the local epidemic prevention policy.

  9. Test takers must enter Nanchang University from No.2 campus gate, which locates on Shanghai Bei Road, and then follow test centre staff’s instruction to leave the campus from designated campus gate after the test. Before entering the university, test takers should follow the instructions as below at the designated campus gate:

1) Test takers must wear a medical mask

2) Test takers must present their ID card (Please always bring ID card even if you registered the IELTS test by passport)

3) Test takers must present their IELTS Test Admission ticket. Test takers (includes but not limit to test takers under 18) can only enter campus during test period on the test day, parents or companions are not allowed into campus. Test centre staff will station at the campus gate to direct test takers to the test building. If the test is arranged in the morning, test takers can only enter and exit the campus in the morning. Test takers will not be allowed to enter campus for test venue inspection before their test day or time

4) Test takers must show “Chinese Government Health Code”. Test takers must scan the Chinese Government Health Code for tracking their whereabouts in past 14 days at the main campus gate (No.1 campus gate) with their own mobile phone, and can only enter th campus with green code.

5) Test takers can only enter campus with temperature lower than 37.3 (not including 37.3) . Test takers who pass the temperature check at the main campus gate will be guided to test building in batches

  1. Taxi, online ride-hailing car and private car are prohibited to campus.

We will keep you informed timely if the above measures change.

For further information, please contact us at: 19914428828.






电话:0791-83969375 | 0791-83969374

院长信箱 wgy@ncu.edu.cn

书记信箱 pengjinsheng@ncu.edu.cn





